Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So I am already here in the San Diego terminal waiting to fly out to London and then Lyon France. My camera gear is very limited because I am taking my bike and that bitch is big! They charged me and additional $60 for the bike bag and it's lighter then my backpack, really?
Whatever, I am on vacation!
So my Camera gear... I am only bringing a Canon 5d mark2 with a 24-70 lens, plus a point and shoot. I so struggled with this! I mean spent hours and a bottle of wine trying to figure this out. We'll see out the photobadassery holds up. I've seen amazing photos with much less equipment. Just like cycling, it's not the ride it's the rider.


-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Airport Terminal Rd,San Diego,United States


  1. Be safe & have fun! You are an awesome photographer.

  2. Today's quote:
    Cyclists are open-minded. Cyclists are egalitarian. Cyclists share a fellowship of the wheel that can overcome all political, social, racial and economic barriers. Except for recumbents.

  3. Have a great time Nathan...looking to follow this, even while I'm in Wisconsin!
