Sunday, March 29, 2009


What kinda word is tutu? I am sure there is a long wiki about the history of the tutu but I don't really want to get into it.
A friend of mine, Janet, wanted to do a shoot with tutus. So here is one of the images from that shoot. There are so many great images from the session. Funny thing is a friend of my commented that I alway say "more to come" and I never post more... Well I won't say it this time ;)

So busy right now, so much going on... I wish it was all good but it's not. I guess if it was always good then I would never really appreciate it when things are good.

I am lucky to have the problems I have...


Monday, March 16, 2009

Just another day...

I didn't get a recent booking and I was kinda pissed. Not at the client but at myself for not getting it. For not being the photographer they needed. I guess I can't be everything for everyone. This wasn't a bad thing the reality is I've got plenty on my plate right now.

This photo to the right was another shoot with Kindra I was using a beauty dish just left of the camera and a large reflector camera right.

I did get some new photobadassery stickers. I'll hopefully get some more incriminating photos ;)


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Button Eyes...

OMG, I can't believe how busy I am! Unfortunately it's noting to do with photography. Oh-well that how it goes...
Nothing really to say just thought this was an interesting series of images.
Button Eyes.
