Monday, November 22, 2010

FCC 24th Golden Hanger Fashion Gala

Here is a link to the images from the fashion
FCC Golden Hanger Gala Link
Enjoy :)


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

That's it.

A lot in life has been going on for me. It's forced me to re evaluate things I am doing in my life, one of them being photography. How much time am I spending doing photography and a more important question, why? After giving it a lot thought I've come to the following decision. I am hanging it up. Yep, that's it...
What I mean by this is I am no longer going to work as a photographer. I will always be a photographer but I am done with the business end of it. I have a few more obligations I need to finish and that's it. I know this will piss some people off but it's what I have to do for me.
I feel good about this. It's the right thing for me. I love photography and for me whenever I have to do something I love for a living it kinda kills it. It's the business end of it. I won't let business and money kill my passion for photography.
I'll still have my pet projects and work with models and other creative people but it will be because I want to not for the money or career obligations.
There will be more to come about this... It's still a work in progress.
Life's too short.


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Saturday, October 2, 2010

One extreme to another

From New York City to Mt. Whitney...
I think this is the 1st weekend that I've actually sat around in a long time. I've had time to look at some of my photos and catch up on some other things. It's been nice.
Anyways, this is a photo from Mt. Whitney. I had a chance to hike up there last weekend this is at the 97 switchbacks and the sun is starting to rise. I was using a a Canon S90 and it's amazing how clear the images are from such a small camera. It also saved from me having to lug another 15 lbs. of gear, even better.


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Back in San Diego for a few days now. Still recovering from an amazing trip! I can't even put it into words. I will be trying to put it into images, still working on that.
From a equipment stand point. I am glad I didn't take a bunch of lights. It would have been a real pain because I didn't have a PA or permits. I don't know if I would have gotten what I was looking for... Less was better for this trip. New York already has so much going on, so many different light sources I think trying to make myself work with what I had was a munch better option and in someways a challenge.
This is a clip from shooting in Time Square @ around 1:00 am. The City really doesn't sleep.


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And that's how you do it...

The show was great! All the designers were great! It was nice seeing San Diego so well represented by designers, models and photographers, me.
I am done... I've had a great time in New York personally and professionally. Tons of photos to edit down, about 60 gigs and that's not even the video. :-/
Anyways, going to eat. I am starving!
We'll see what tomorrow has in store...


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Location:Broadway,New York,United States

Just a random post over lunch


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Location:Hester St,New York,United States


It's 10 am in Columbus Circle on Tuesday morning, already? I am having my cup of coffee and watching the greatest show on earth, us...
We shot in Time Square as planned last night. It turn out well. I think? Again, I don't have my laptop to download and process the images. There is also some more video clips. Which looked good but I need a wifi connection to upload them and people are tight with their wifi in New York. Stat Bucks wifi is a joke. There are 900 people in every store all milling around.

Today is the runway show. Gotta clean my kit are make sure everything is charged a ready to go for tonight. Other then that well see were the day takes me.


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Location:Central Park Driveway,New York,United States

Monday, September 13, 2010


Had a fun afternoon shooting with Ashtynn in central park and the upper westside. I'll have to wait till I get home to load the images. I didn't bring my laptop. I wanted to see how I would do with just my iPad. For far so good.

We used just natural light and a sun scrim most of the day. I did use my flash off camera a bit. Not sure about those yet... I'll see later this week. We also got some more video. I need to take a nap but there is so much more I want to do! Gotta love New York. I can't wait till the fashion show tomorrow. I think we are going to try a shoot a bit in Time Square tonight.

This is a photo Ashtynn and I after shooting talking about PhotoBadAssery in Star Bucks. Thanks Ashtynn's mom for the photo :)


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Location:7th Ave,New York,United States

Evening one...

Well it took 3 hours to get from JFK to the city. I think I could have walked faster. I was starving by the time I got to my hotel. They didn't serve food on the flight, WTF? I ate at Carnegie Deli. It was so good and I felt like crap after, but it was so good!
Anyways I ended up at the Unite party in SoHo had a great time met tons a very cool and creative people. I got some good event shots. I made the mistake of having a red bull, crap... Ended up at a bar in hells kitchen and just got back to my room. It's 3 am and I am listening to the garbage men picking up trash while I am typing this.
Doing a shoot tomorrow. The logistics are sketchy right now but it will work out. Need to stop of at B&H tomorrow to get a few things then off to the shoot. Some where, at some time? :-/


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Location:W 49th St,New York,United States

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What to take update

Ok, this is the second time I've tried posting.... Let see if I have better luck this time.
When I got to the airport this morning I realized that I've got more crap then I can carry. So I punk'd out and left my profoto light kit in the car. I know at some point during this short trip I'll wish I had brought that light kit :-/
I'll just have to make due with what I have. I still have my flash heads so that'll have due, right?
I need a new photographer's assistant (PA)? My old one quit (inside joke).
Any takers on the PA position?


-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Airport Terminal Rd,San Diego,United States

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Empire State of Mind...

So New York... I am going to be shooting at Fashion Week in New York with the Haus of Estrada. They are taking some models from San Diego with them and we are going to try and do some gorilla styles shoot in Time Square. That should be a lot of fun, trouble or both? We'll find out...
I am so looking forward to this trip! I'll try and BLOG about it as the days adventures are unfolding. So much to do before I leave and then there is the ever daunting question of what do I take?
Should I pack a profoto and battery pack or should I just rent there?
Tripod? Am I really going to need one for the runway?
Should I just shot with natural light and a reflector?
Questions yet to be answer. Need a little more research.

Just finished going over the look book with Estrada. I am done, heading to bed.


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Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Timken, Art as Fashion Links

Running late to another photo shoot. After some internet issues I finally got the page posted around 2:00am today. Here's the link
So much to do before Fashion Week. I'll BLOG more on that later.



Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Timken Art as Fashion

So this weekend I shot the 3rd annual Art as Fashion event at the Timken Museum in Balboa Park and it was amazing! The energy was fantastic. The models, the designers and even the crowd made it a great event. There was some serious badassery energy going on! I'll have the photos up by Friday on my website

I am also going to New York this month to shoot at fashion week for the Haus of Estrada. More to come on that!

I'll try and blogg from New York. That's why I am trying this new app on my iPad. So if this post looks weird I am still working out the bugs.

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Saturday, July 31, 2010


Had a chance to do some shoots for FCC. These shoots are kinda crazy and fun all at the same time. Here is a link to some of the images.
I am still editing.

Back to work...


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Along time..

Life is amazing! When you think you know what direction things are going something changes and requires you to rethink your direction. Regardless you never stop. So many things have happened and changed that I couldn't even begin to go into it.
That being said I am going to just pickup from here and move forward.
Just finished up back to back weddings, both of which were a lot of fun and I got some great images. Waiting to get the OK to posted the images.
I did a recent baby shoot. I love this image. I normally don't title images but this is call "A new father".
Lots more images to come.
