A lot in life has been going on for me. It's forced me to re evaluate things I am doing in my life, one of them being photography. How much time am I spending doing photography and a more important question, why? After giving it a lot thought I've come to the following decision. I am hanging it up. Yep, that's it...
What I mean by this is I am no longer going to work as a photographer. I will always be a photographer but I am done with the business end of it. I have a few more obligations I need to finish and that's it. I know this will piss some people off but it's what I have to do for me.
I feel good about this. It's the right thing for me. I love photography and for me whenever I have to do something I love for a living it kinda kills it. It's the business end of it. I won't let business and money kill my passion for photography.
I'll still have my pet projects and work with models and other creative people but it will be because I want to not for the money or career obligations.
There will be more to come about this... It's still a work in progress.
Life's too short.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad