Sunday, June 27, 2010

Along time..

Life is amazing! When you think you know what direction things are going something changes and requires you to rethink your direction. Regardless you never stop. So many things have happened and changed that I couldn't even begin to go into it.
That being said I am going to just pickup from here and move forward.
Just finished up back to back weddings, both of which were a lot of fun and I got some great images. Waiting to get the OK to posted the images.
I did a recent baby shoot. I love this image. I normally don't title images but this is call "A new father".
Lots more images to come.



  1. Beautiful, Nate. You captured his/their essence perfectly. I'm glad you didn't post the other picture, you know, the one with "the look"? The look you said he should (and I quote) "never, ever do again" :) Thanks so much!

  2. LOL, I forgot about the look...
