Monday, September 13, 2010


Had a fun afternoon shooting with Ashtynn in central park and the upper westside. I'll have to wait till I get home to load the images. I didn't bring my laptop. I wanted to see how I would do with just my iPad. For far so good.

We used just natural light and a sun scrim most of the day. I did use my flash off camera a bit. Not sure about those yet... I'll see later this week. We also got some more video. I need to take a nap but there is so much more I want to do! Gotta love New York. I can't wait till the fashion show tomorrow. I think we are going to try a shoot a bit in Time Square tonight.

This is a photo Ashtynn and I after shooting talking about PhotoBadAssery in Star Bucks. Thanks Ashtynn's mom for the photo :)


-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:7th Ave,New York,United States

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Nate! I like having your pix on your blog and you are off to a running start with your "only necessary" camera equipment. Can't wait to hear about the show on Tues.
    Big hugs. Linda in Yuma
