Monday, July 25, 2011

First day in Paris

Where to begin? Walking 15k is a lot harder then riding 15k, holy hell! The bike is coming out tomorrow. Walking sucks!
I did a fun bike tour of a small part of the city and got a good idea of where I want to go back tomorrow. I forgot the adapter for the DSLR camera so I can't upload any of those photos. Just as well, I am on a mission to find new art for my walls and I figured there would be no better place then Paris to fine the inspiration for the images.
It's about 8:00 in the evening, I am having a glass of wine at Cafe Moceru trying to figure out what to do for dinner. It stays light till well after 9:00 it's no wonder everyone eats late. Sitting here I can see the appeal of the city. There is lots of history and swagger to this place.
I should have practice my French more. I'd say that's been the hardest part of the trip so far, that and everybody smokes. Don't they know it's bad for them? Everything I've heard about the French being mean or rude hasn't held true for me.
Well that's all for now.


-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Rue de Damrémont,Paris,France

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you're having a great time Nathan, but Connie and I are excited for your return! Continued fun and safe travels! Stay true amigo, and keep on shootin'!
